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University of Guelph Faculty Association


LOU - 2024 Tenure, Promotion & Review


Current Collective Agreement - Expires June 30, 2024






COVID-19 LOU - FALL 2021


Extension Agreement


Updated COVID-19 LOU




LOU 15 - Assessment of Teaching


Collective Agreement - Expires June 30, 2021


University of Guelph Unit 1 2017 Memorandum of Settlement


UGFA Unit 2 2016 Collective Agreement 


2014 Collective Agreement

UGFA AODA (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act) Policy


Accommodation Partnership




Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT)


CAUT is the national voice for academic staff. Today, representing 65,000 teachers, librarians, researchers and other academic professionals and general staff, CAUT is an outspoken defender of academic freedom and works actively in the public interest to improve the quality and accessibility of post-secondary education in Canada.

Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA)

OCUFA represents faculty associations from universities and colleges across Ontario in dealing with government and media. They seek to maintain and enhance the quality of our province’s higher education system, and to advance the professional and economic interests of their members.

Council of Ontario Universities (COU)

The Council of Ontario Universities advances higher education in Ontario through advocacy, research and policy development.

Canadian Labour Congress (CLC)

The CLC is the umbrella organization for dozens of affiliated Canadian and international unions, as well as provincial federations of labour and regional labour councils. We advocate on behalf of all working people in many different ways – from organizing campaigns and rallies to lobbying federal politicians in Parliament to speaking out in the media and to business on key issues to representing Canada’s labour movement internationally to developing partnerships with the community and other supportive groups.


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UofG Faculty Recruitment

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UofG Diversity & Human Rights Office

UofG Senate


UofG Webmail Log-in


Last updated February 5, 2013