Study/Research Leaves are to serve the objectives and mission of the University by enabling eligible Members to maintain and enhance the quality of their research, teaching, and professional skills, which in turn helps the University achieve its strategic directions and fulfill commitments.
How many years do I have to work?
If you are a Regular Full-time Member, you are eligible for a Study/Research Leave that begins following eight years of continuous work at the University. You have two Study Leave options:
- Eight consecutive months at 90% of your salary; you may request Leave for two non-consecutive periods of four months, subject to approval
- Four consecutive months at 90% of your salary
Once you return from a Study/Research Leave, you can apply for a subsequent Study/Research Leave after you work for an additional eight years of continuous service.
How do I apply?
You must apply in writing to the Director at least one year before the intended start date of your leave. Include the following in your Study/Research Leave application:
- Detailed statement and clear plan of objectives and anticipated accomplishments
- The date and the length of the proposed Leave
- Written statement that you will not engage in paid employment while on Study/Research Leave without the prior written approval of the Director
- Plan for coverage of your research responsibilities associated with the Ontario Agrifood Innovation Partnership
- Other supporting documentation that you would like to submit
What happens if I don’t apply as soon as I’m eligible?
If you will have accumulated more than eight years of service prior to the intended start date of your leave, you will lose any service credit for work beyond the eight years. The extra time cannot be used to establish eligibility for a subsequent Leave.
What happens if the University delays my Leave?
In exceptional circumstances, the Director may approve a delayed Study/Research Leave. In such a case, the delay may not be longer than one year, and the length of time of the delay counts towards the work period required for eligibility for the next Leave.
Can I request a delay of my approved Leave?
You can ask to delay an approved Leave for up to one year. If the delay is approved, the length of time of the delay counts towards the work period required for eligibility for the next Leave.
What are my responsibilities at the end of the Leave?
Within one month of the end of the Leave, you have to provide a written report to the Director describing what you accomplished in relation to the submitted plan. It is expected that you will return to the University for at least one year following the Leave. If you return for less than one year, you will have to reimburse the University for one-half of the remuneration paid during the Leave.
Related links
For more details, see Article 20 of the Collective Agreement.
fI you have any questions about Study/Research Leaves, please contact us at