If you are planning to apply for Continuing Appointment or Promotion, keep the following points in mind.
- Agree upon a list of six prospective external assessors with your Dean (OVC-HSC) or the AVPR (AHL) and obtain their contact information.
- Get a copy of the approved Continuing Appointment and Promotion Guideline documents for your Department from the Department/School website.
- Assemble your materials for the Assessment File, such as your Curriculum Vitae, Professional Practice, and if applicable, teaching/clinical dossier. You can include materials not explicitly listed in the approved Continuing Appointment and Promotion Guideline document.
- If applicable, Student Feedback Questionnaire (SFQ) results or In-class Peer Observation (IPO) forms, discussion of courses taught and any reflections on them, and any other information related to your Teaching need not constitute a separate or formal unified document, despite collectively being described as a Teaching Dossier. The absence of a (scattered or collected) Teaching Dossier of any particular item, other than SFQs or an IPO as substitute, can play no role in a negative assessment of Teaching.
- May 15: Deadline to apply in writing to the chair of the Members Continuing Appointment (MCA) Committee, including the names of and contact information for the prospective external assessors.
- June 8: Deadline to submit your application materials (Assessment File) to the Chair of the MCA committee.
- August 15: Deadline to submit your updated materials, if any, to the Chair of the MCA committee.
- The MCA Committee, made up of four Veterinarians holding Continuing Appointment.
- The University Continuing Appointment (UCA) Committee, made up of the Dean (OVC), the Associate Vice-President (Research), one Veterinarian with Continuing Appointment form OVC-HSC, and one Veterinarian with Continuing Appointment from AHL.
The UGFA would like to remind you that the entire process for the granting of Continuing Appointment and Promotion, and the performance review of faculty members, is governed by the Collective Agreement.
The consideration of applications for Continuing Appointment and Promotion is essentially driven by peer review: all but two members of the two Committees are your UGFA peers, and you have a strong hand in naming the external assessors. We advise you to stay focused on preparing an application package that these peers and assessors will appreciate and praise.
For more information, see Article 33 – Continuing Appointment, Promotion, and Review of Veterinarians in the Collective Agreement.
Articles and Letters of Understanding in the Collective Agreement
- 33.5 – Criteria, approved Continuing Appointment and Promotion Guideline documents
- 33.17 – Documentation templates
- 33.21 – External Assessors
- 33.22 – Role of the MCA Committee
- 33.23 – Composition of the MCA Committee
- 33.24 – Submission of materials
- 33.27 – Role of the UCA Committee
- 33.28 – Composition of the UCA Committee
- 33.42 – Application for the granting of Continuing Appointment
- 33.46 – Application for Promotion to Veterinarian
- 33.63 – Completed Performance Assessment Template deadline
If you have any questions or concerns, please email facassoc@uoguelph.ca.